Writing For Press : Coaching

Writing For Press

People by PEOPLE, not PRODUCTS. If you want to encourage an engaged and loyal readership, you have to connect with your readers.”

Learning to write for press is an ESSENTIAL part of your author toolbox!

Your author brand is the most valuable asset you have – but how do you cultivate a brand?
As authors, we often focus solely on our books, pouring our hearts and souls into our manuscripts. But in today’s media-savvy world, writing for press can be a powerful tool to amplify our voices and reach a broader audience.
This is a contentious topic, and one that comes up a lot in publishing. Many people don’t like social media. Many don’t want to air laundry in public just to sell books, and that is entirely understandable, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

When you contribute articles to different media outlets, whether it’s online blogs, magazines, or newspapers, you’re not only showcasing your expertise and establishing yourself as a credible source but expanding your reach beyond your current readership. Each article becomes a platform for you to connect with new readers, many of whom may not have discovered your work otherwise.

But it’s a daunting task if you don’t know where to start.
No matter if you are a newbie author, or seasoned pro published with a small indie publisher, a hybrid, self published or trad published, knowing how to create your author brand and how to sell yourself is vital! Your PR person won’t always be there to hold your hand. If you want your name out there, you better work to make that happen.

Why should you consider ‘writing for press’?
Simply put, your Twitter (or X ..) sphere only reaches so far and word of mouth will only carry as far as the wind blows… We all know that social media can feel like a vacuum sometimes – algorithms mean we can find ourselves trapped in an echo chamber of our own making. The only way to burst out of that and find a new audience is to widen your reach – articles for press is one way to do this.

In truth, there are a million different ways you can attack this issue, but each and every author journey is different. You, your book, and your experience’s are unique to you – and as such, the approach will be just as unique.

This service includes a 90 minute consultation call during which we will deep dive into your own personal journey, a chance for you to bounce ideas around, look at all the different opportunities you can leverage and make a plan for going forward.

However, if you have never written articles before, and would like a little more guidance, I can offer a similar ‘mentoring’ programme as I do with authors. Prices will be personalised and based on how much guidance you require and for what length of time. In these sessions we will make a plan together, write and edit chosen articles and discuss the best places to pitch. Although I can never guarantee publication, what I can offer, is the opportunity to learn how to write compelling articles.


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